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Sacred Space Journal

Introducing Sacred Space, a life-changing journal and planner that helps you bring Divine alignment, peace, presence, and flow to all areas of your life. 





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Welcome to Your
Sacred Space

Are you looking for more spiritual alignment in your daily life? More bliss, flow, and Divine guidance? More ease in the manifesting of your goals and desires? If so, the Sacred Space Journal and Planner is the companion you've been looking for.

Imagine a place where all problems melt away, answers and Divine inspiration flow, and a perpetual peace nurtures and enlivens your soul. This is your "sacred space"—and the Sacred Space Journal and Planner is designed to awaken it throughout all areas of your life.

Here's how it works:

  • Each day, you will open your journal.
  • You'll write your intention for the day, along with your to-dos and anything else you need to plan.
  • You'll select a Ritual, which is a 10-15-minute practice designed to bring Divine alignment into all aspects of your day. 
  • You'll be guided in releasing resistance as you go about your day.
  • Your day will unfold with ease, magic, and flow.

What Is It?
The Sacred Space Journal and Planner is a daily companion designed to help you organize your day in a way that brings ease, magic, and flow—through aligning your mind, body, spirit, world.

Who Is It For?
This journal is for people who desire to bring more balance between their inner spiritual truth and daily work and responsibilities.

How Does It Work?
The journal provides a routine for connecting with and using your Sacred Space to eliminate energetic blockages and resistance, so that you manifest your intentions with ease. It's a holistic framework for mind-body-spirit-world alignment.

How Is It Different?
Most journals and planners are simple to-do lists or scheduling calendars. Sacred Space is the first journal and planner to integrate soul-alignment into your daily schedule, which brings balance to all areas of your life.

How Long Does It Last?
Duration of use is dependent on how much dedication you apply. It is designed to last 60 days of full use. Lighter use will last longer.

"Before using the journal I was stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated in my everyday life. Now I feel more at peace than I have in years."


Alignment. Inspiration. Flow.

A journal and planner that is your sacred daily companion.

Daily Framework

Sacred Space provides a daily journaling, planning, and routine framework for living your day from a place of alignment, ease, flow, and Divine guidance.

Choose Your Ritual

Sacred Space includes four Daily Rituals to choose from—journaling, yoga, meditation, and breathwork—all designed to help you awaken balance and alignment and manifest your deepest intentions.

Daily & Weekly Planner

In addition to the Daily Ritual, you will be guided in organizing your daily and weekly to-dos—in a way that brings mind-body-spirit-world alignment. This is a new approach to planning and organization.


Gamification is a powerful way to maintain ease, flow, and momentum in your daily life. Sacred Space uses several light game features—like Streaks—to keep you in flow.

How It Works

With Sacred Space, every day unfolds with magic.


Set Your Intention

Each morning, you will grab your journal, turn to a new Today template page, and write down your intention for the day. This is an important step because it plants the seed for alignment, ease, magic, and flow.


Select a Ritual

Sacred Space includes four guided Daily Rituals to choose from—journaling, yoga, meditation, and breathwork. Each morning, you'll select one of the 10-15 minute Rituals, which will guide you in entering your Sacred Space to eliminate resistance, awaken balance and alignment, and manifest the day's intention.

*Includes a mix of video guides, audio meditations, and written instructions.


Plan Your Day

Sacred Space is not just a journal, it's a holistic life-planning and organization framework. Once you've performed your Ritual and are connected to your inner Sacred Space, you'll plan your to-dos for the day. Planning from a place of connection and alignment allows you to approach your day with clarity and ease.


Release Resistance

Once you complete your to-do list, you'll use the included 4D Untethering™ process to eliminate any resistance, stress, force, or overwhelm. This sets you up for a day filled with magic, inspiration, and Divine flow.


Re-Align With a 5-Minute Pause™

Even with a consistent spiritual practice, it's easy to find yourself stressed and overwhelmed in the world. The included 5-minute Pause™audio activation helps you re-align throughout the day, keeping you in flow no matter what comes your way. 


Stay In Flow With Gamification

Gamification is a powerful way to stay connected and in flow. The Sacred Space Journal and Planner includes several gamification features—Streaks, rewards, and more.


Manifest Your Deepest Intentions

As you use Sacred Space daily, you'll find your intentions and desires manifesting with more ease and speed than ever before. You'll find yourself navigating your life with more ease and bliss. Life will become a joyful unfolding of growth and potential.


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Who It's For

Most who are on the spiritual journey have found themselves at a point where they have deepened their inner connection with truth, but are struggling to bring this newfound connection into their daily lives. Sacred Space helps this by providing a holistic daily framework that brings balance and alignment through all areas of life.

This journal is best when:

✨ You've had a spiritual awakening or realization.
✨ You've experienced the bliss, peace, and well-being of your inner truth.
✨ You struggle to bring these qualities into your busy and stressful daily life.
✨ You want to live more from Divine guidance and flow.
✨ You're willing to do a simple 10-15 minute daily routine.

Sacred Space Journal

"This is one of the best (and most enjoyable) spiritual alignment tools I've found. It works. Thank you!" – Tamara M., Los Angeles, CA

Introducing Sacred Space, a life-changing journal and planner that helps you bring Divine alignment, peace, presence, and flow to all areas of your life. 

  • A 180+ page spiral journal and planner. 
  • A simple daily framework for awakening ease, magic, and flow—through aligning your mind, body, spirit, and world.
  • Daily Rituals (with video and audio guides), including journaling, meditation, yoga, and breathwork.
  • Eliminates misalignment and resistance that are blocking your desires.
  • Keeps you engaged and in flow via gamification.





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About The Creators

Shawn Douton and Kim Thibeau, best friends, spiritual coaches, and co-founders of Sacred Space Soul Academy, bring a wealth of spiritual knowledge and life experiences to their mission of helping others awaken their full potential. Shawn, with her business acumen and religious upbringing, and Kim, a certified yoga instructor and educator, combine their unique strengths to guide individuals on their journey of self-realization and inner peace. Both women have navigated significant life challenges, drawing from various spiritual teachings and practices to overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth. Their shared vision for Sacred Space Soul Academy is rooted in the belief that everyone possesses an infinite nature, and through the integration of mind, body, and spirit, individuals can manifest their desired reality. With over 45 years of friendship, Shawn and Kim's deep understanding of life's highs and lows allows them to create a warm, compassionate environment where clients can explore their spiritual paths and elevate their states of being.


What does my purchase come with?

Here's what you get: 

• A 180+ page spiral journal and planner. 
• A simple daily framework for awakening ease, magic,  and flow—through aligning your mind, body, spirit, and world.
• Daily Rituals (with video and audio guides), including journaling, meditation, yoga, and breathwork. 
• Eliminates misalignment and resistance that are blocking your desires.
• Keeps you engaged and in flow via gamification.

Who is this for?

This journal is for all who desire to bring more balance between their inner spiritual truth and daily work and responsibilities.

What makes this different than other journals and planners?

Most journals and planners are simple to-do lists or scheduling calendars. Sacred Space is the first journal and planner to integrate soul-alignment into your daily schedule, which brings balance to all areas of your life.

Will it work for me?

Everyone has a Sacred Space within. We're taught to live too much from our minds, which creates resistance, conflict, and overwhelm. The Sacred Space Journal includes simple instructions, including audio and video guides, to help connect with this inner space and bring balance and alignment to all areas of life. This process is an intimate journey in self-realization and integration, and because of that, it's effective for anyone dedicated to the process.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, send your unused and in original condition journal back within 30 days of purchase, and we'll give you a full refund (not including shipping).